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Interviews with Lucie Lukačovičová and Petra Lukačovičová, writers and sisters

One of the best Web pages on scifi and fantasy literature Vanili interviewed Lucie Lukačovičová on 27th February 2017, an interview with her sister Petra Lukačovičová followed on 14th August 2017. Unfortunately, it has been published only in Czech language, but you may like the photographs.



Launch of the novel Voyage to a Distant Dream

A launch of my novel in Czech Voyage to a Distant Dream was connected with my birthday party in Café Bar Elysium in Prague on 18th March 2016. The party was started by excellent virtuoso Miroslav Ambroš who played on the rare violin made by Italian violin maker Camillo de Camilli from Mantua in 1734 some of my favorite pieces including Jeux Interdit and Humoresque by Antonin Dvořák. Nearly 60 guests celebrated and promised to give their opinion on the book after reading it. More details about the book in the section Publications - Books in Czech of this webpage http://www.ivana-dirk.info/index.php?id=13&no_cache=1 .


Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

to all our friends wherever they might be, spread all over the world.    [more]


Lucie promotes Mercenaries of Fantasy

Seven collections of quality fantasy stories [more]


Lucy´s short story in Romanian

Romanian On-line magazine Fantastica is one of the most popular ones among Romanian fantasy and sci-fi fans. The last number was dedicated to Czech science fiction. Among others, there was published a short story CatNIP by Lucie...[more]


Cultural Spring in Prague

I spent  spring in Prague and could enjoy  its rich cultural life. In April, I was most pleased with the party in the studio of Jan Brabenec in the Old Town, where we had celebrated the birthday of his friend Jaroslav...[more]


Green Dragon, Crimson Lion

The seventh novel by Lucie Lukačovičová was published in April 15.  Green Dragon, Crimson Lion is a story from Prague of the Emperor Rudolf II who had selected Prague as the capital of the Roman Empire. All the period of his...[more]


Two Summer Parties in August

In August 14, we organized  two 'summer festivals' for friends,  one of them  in Dortmund and the other one in Nashik, India. The first one  was the traditional party in the garden of Villa Tremonia in...[more]


Two New Stories by Lucie Lukačovičová Appeared this Summer.

Lucie Lukačovičová has just published two new stories in two different anthologies.   The regular yearly anthology Mercenaries of Fantasy: Lonely Heroes has  appeared in Czech bookstores, this time focusing on the...[more]


Birthday Party in Elysium.

Birthday Party in Café Bar Elysium, Na bojišti 8, Prague 2. Café Bar Elysium  has been  opened since October  2013. It offers a good selection of various drinks, cocktails, coffees, cold kitchen, excellent...[more]


Seminar of Czech-Indian Chamber of Commerce.

A seminar for small and medium enterprises interested in business in India was organized by Czech – Indian Chamber of Commerce 5th June2014 in the Technological Centre of Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague 6. The Chamber of...[more]


World of the Book Fair in Prague.

The traditional international World of the Book Fair takes place on the exhibition grounds in Prague 7  every year. The author Lucie Lukačovičová was signing her books Christmas Story, Station Armida and Singing of the Metal...[more]

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